Thursday, August 14, 2008

Go Green Save Money

The expression "going green" is getting very popular these days, but can going green save money? Let's take a look at light bulbs. Standard light bulbs cost around $1.00 for 4 bulbs as opposed to about $3.00 for one of the compact fluorescent ones. Seems like a high price to pay to go green. Lets take a closer look. A standard light bulb has a life of about 1000 hours, uses 60 watts of energy, and costs around 25 cents. The $2.00 fluorescent bulb is labeled for a life of 10,000 hours and uses 20 watts of electricity. According to the label, this $2.00 bulb will save from $44 to $88 dollars in energy costs per year. The go green bulb seems to be the best option.

Many people use disposable razors, They cost about a dollar a bag and you just toss them in the trash when they wear out. Pretty convenient, but not very green and is it really cheaper? Consider getting a razor that you buy blades for, this will save you money in the long run and is much better than putting more plastic in the landfills.

So if you want to save money and do something to help the environment, consider changing over to fluorescent bulbs and non disposable razors.